To Add a New Device
Machine Name - Network name assigned to this machine.
Type - Choose from the drop down list machine type: Mobile. Also available are Workstation, Kiosk, Disconnected Kiosk and Cache Box. See descriptions for these machine types below.
Click here if setting up a new workstation
Click here if setting up a new kiosk
Click here if setting up a new disconnected kiosk
Click here if setting up a new cache box
Mobile Device - Choose the specific device: PocketPC or TabletPC
Mandatory Sync on Logout - When this checkbox is marked, CareTracker Mobile users will be required to sync their device before they will be able to logout of the CareTracker Mobile application on the device.
Check Network Connectivity - The default number of seconds is 3 seconds. This means that the device will check for a network connection every 3 seconds.
Battery Strength - The recommended setting is 25%. The setting will not allow a user to use CareTracker on the mobile device if the battery level is below this setting.
Enabled - Mark this check box to activate access for this machine.
Facility - Choose from the drop down list the facility in which this machine is used.
Resident Location - Choose a location from the drop down list to display residents on the kiosk from a specific resident location or all locations.
Active Residents Only - Mark this check box if you only want active residents to display on the kiosk resident list.
Description - Brief description of the mobile device.
Additional Resident Filter - Residents that are loaded to the kiosk can be filtered using the Resident Filter field. Default setting excludes all dismissed residents from kiosk view. Please contact your Resource/CareTracker representative for assistance in setting up this filter.
Additional Staff Filter - Staff members that are loaded to the kiosk can be filtered using the Staff Filter field. Default setting excludes all inactive staff members from kiosk view. Please contact your Resource/CareTracker representative for assistance in setting up this filter.
Enable Program Tracing - Support use only: Creates a file that helps support trace where the application fails if a problem were to arise.
Staff Time out - Choose from the drop down list the number of minutes/seconds the kiosk will wait (with no user input) before going to the Staff Password screen.
Cache Timeout - The cache is a temporary storage place for observations when the device is not connected to the network. The timeout defines how many minutes observations can be stored in the cache before the user must sync the device.
Observed Resident Count - Represents the number of residents staff can document information on while the device is not connected to the network.
Show Uploaded Results - Checking the box will display a confirmation page to the user after a successful sync.
Active Staff Only - Mark this check box if you only want to display active staff on the kiosk staff list.
Item Location - Controls which location(s) will be shown on the location screen on the kiosk for Charge or Transfer.
Item Category - Controls which items will be displayed on the kiosk for Charge or Transfer based on the item's category.
Active Items Only - When this checkbox is marked, the kiosk will display only items marked as "Active" on the Item file maintenance screen. If the box is not marked, then all items will display on the kiosk. The Active Items Only checkbox is marked by default.
Additional Item Filter - Items that are loaded to the kiosk can be filtered using the Additional Item Filter field. Please contact your Resource/CareTracker representative for assistance in setting up this filter.
Active Staff Only - Mark this checkbox if you only want to display active staff on the kiosk staff list.
Authentication - Choose from the drop down list, the type of authentication your facility uses at staff log-in. For Mobile Device the choice is: Password.
PIN Entry - Allows the user to choose between numeric only PINS and alphanumeric PINS (which displays a full keyboard instead of a numeric entry form).
Module enabled on this Device - Purchased modules that are available to be placed on the device can be enabled by marking the checkbox next to the available module.