You are here: CareTracker Help > Administration > Archive Settings > Purge Settings

Purge Settings

Purge Settings are located on the Administrative tab in CareTracker. The purge function will run multiple times throughout the day in the background on the server.  The Purge Settings control how long data is kept. When a purge occurs, data is deleted from the data table.  Purged data is permanently deleted/removed from the program and will no longer be accessible for viewing in file maintenance or on the reports.

Observation Hold Time (in days) - Enter the number of days you wish to keep observation data in CareTracker.

Schedule Hold Time (in days) - Enter the number of days you wish to keep resident schedules in CareTracker.

Activity (Charges) Hold Time (in days) - Enter the number of days you wish to keep charge activity in ChargeTracker.

Price/Cost Hold Time (in days) - Enter the number of days you wish to keep price and cost records in ChargeTracker.

Inventory Control Hold Time (in days) - Enter the number of days you wish to keep transfer, physical inventory, and receive records in ChargeTracker.

Palm Batch Hold Time (in days) - Enter the number of days you wish to keep palm batch files in Charge Tracking.

Report Queue, Expired Messages, Tutorial, Staff Performance Test, and Machine Band-width Data Hold Time (in days) - Enter the number of days you wish to keep this data in CareTracker.

Click the Save Settings button to save changes; click the back arrow to exit without saving changes.